Once you sign up with a durable medical equipment provider (DME) to receive equipment through insurance such as a CPAP machine, breast pump, or incontinence supplies, you may notice an option to join a resupply program. This options allows you to get the most benefits for your treatment?
What is Medical Resupply?
When you get a new car you may happily drive off into the sunset, but that’s not the end of the story. You have to remember to maintain that car in order to get more happy, comfortable miles out of it. A sticker on the windshield reminds you when your next oil change is, the gas light comes on when it’s time to fill up, you have to replace the tires when the tread is low, and more.
This helps your car operate like new for a longer amount of time and it’s also similar to how resupply works. Only your resupply items may be covered by insurance and will automatically arrive in the mail so you won’t have to remember to order them yourself.
Parts made out of plastic and other materials such as the CPAP face masks or breast pump shields will wear out over time. items such as catheters and adult pull ups can’t be reused.
But these are examples of items that need to be replaced on a regular basis to keep your CPAP or breast pump functioning at high-quality levels. When the parts break down with use it may lead to cracks in the plastic, air leaks, and more, preventing you from getting the most out of your treatment.
Plus, when items break down it becomes easier for harmful pathogens including allergens, viruses, molds, and bacteria to collect inside, increasing your risk of getting sick. Resupply has your health in mind.
Resupply also helps improve treatment compliance. One study showed that when sleep apnea patients were enrolled in a CPAP resupply program they were twice as likely to continue treatment. Which is great, because properly treating sleep apnea is crucial for their health.
With a a quality DME, you won’t notice a decrease in your resupply products. . Sign up to receive high-quality products that you trust and love on a regular basis.
Breast Pump Resupply
The World Health Organization recommends exclusively breastfeeding for six months before gradually introducing food to your baby while continuing to breastfeed for an entire year, you therefore need to have a trustworthy pump.
Most breast pump motors are designed to last for a year, but you can check your warranty to see how long yours is covered.
Breast pump supplies that need to be regularly replaced include:
- Duck Valves or Membranes – The membrane or little white flap on top of the valves are made of soft silicone and can stretch over time, losing their elasticity. This may impact the suction power on your breast pump. If the membrane doesn’t lay flat it’s time to replace it. But these smaller pieces may not have any visual damage.
- Flanges (Breastshields) – As your flanges are used and regularly cleaned the may crack and tear, then bacteria may build up in the crevices that can’t be fully sterilized, no matter how vigorously you clean them.
- Tubing – Breast pump tubing may stretch or degrade over time, which can impact the suction strength of your pump. The tubing should be replaced when it easily slides on and off the motor backflow protector. Also, your tubing needs to be replaced if any moisture gets inside because there’s no way to sterilize it and the moisture could damage your breast pump motor.
Replace these parts every 90 days as a good rule of thumb. However, how often these supplies need to be replaced varies based on how frequently they’re used. An exclusive breast pumper that pumps about 9 times a day will wear her parts out faster than a mom that only pumps 2 to 3 times per day. Also, be sure to reference your breast pump manual for resupply recommendations. Guidelines may vary among different pumps.
CPAP Resupply
CPAP machines need to be replaced every five years to ensure the best treatment possible with advanced, modern machines. Plus, your CPAP works pretty hard as air and moisture pass through it, wearing down the parts over time.
Supplies such as your CPAP mask, tubing, cushions, humidifier chamber, and more that actually come into contact with your face and water need to be replaced more often. Not only does the humidity create the perfect environment for mold but the items become less effective as they degrade with night after night of use.
Refer to the CPAP replacement schedule for proven safety standards.
CPAP Replacement | Replacement Schedule |
Full Face Cushions | Once a Month |
Disposable Filters | Twice a Month |
Nasal Cushion Pillows | Twice a Month |
Oral, Nasal, Nasal Pillows, Full Face Masks | Once Every 3 Months |
Tubing | Once Every 3 Months |
Headgear and Chinstraps | Once Every 6 Months |
Non-Disposable Filters | Once Every 6 Months |
Humidifier Chamber | Once Every 6 Months |
CPAP Machine | Once Every 5 Years |
Incontinence Resupply
Incontinence resupply varies based on the type of products you receive on a monthly basis from catheters, adult pull-ups, chux, and more. The amount you receive also depends on your Medicaid coverage. For example, Vermont has a limit of 300 incontinence products per month but Alaska has a limit of up to 500 products per month.
Don’t fret, we will take a peek at your coverage and determine your options! We will also check in on a monthly basis via phone or email to see if you need to make any changes to your supply.
How To Receive Medical Resupply Products Through Insurance
Qualifying for resupply items is easy! Just refer to the following steps:
- Fill out our quick qualification form for your equipment.
- We will verify your coverage and contact you with your options.
- Relax as your items arrive at your home on a regular basis according to their resupply schedule!
Information provided on the PediaCare blog is not intended as a substitute to medical advice or care. PediaCare recommends consulting a doctor if you are experiencing medical issues or concerns.
Qualify For Medical Supplies Through Insurance!
The process is easy. Get your equipment through insurance in 3 simple steps, start by completing our quick qualification form online!